Sunday, September 5, 2010

Soar High

I had a twist and turns of my life in the last few years., It was so fast a lot of things happen in a blink and so.In one point to another I need to give up what i want in life for the better of those people dear to me. I always had a race with time and resources , a lot of things to keep up that I need to shorten those days when I feel sad because I need to be fine. Because I want them to feel that I am.

And in just a month ago I stop working. The company I worked with was affected by the global crisis. They need to downsize the number of there employees, and I was one of those they need to give up.I got a partime job which last for a month.

Todayis the first day to be full jobless...a lot of realization, taking time to stop and decern. A lot of things need organization and attention. But one thing I am sure of , I want to soar high as high as a kite can achieve making all my hearts rightful desire come true..

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